Reset the WAP Post Configuration
When there are problems with the trust between WAP (Web Application Proxy) and ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services), we can try to fix it by rebuilding the trust, which is usually the quickest way to resolve the issue.
This post will explain two methods to reset the WAP post configuration. After resetting the post configuration, we can either rebuild the trust using PowerShell commands or the Server Manager.
Using PowerShell Scirpt
# Set variables for updating the registry, in order to reset the WAP Config status $regpath = "HKLM:SOFTWAREMicrosoftADFS" $keyname = "ProxyConfigurationStatus" $keyvalue = "1" # Reset WAP Configuration Status New-ItemProperty -Path $regpath -Name $keyname -Value $keyvalue -PropertyType DWORD -Force
Manually Set the Regkey Value
In the following registry key path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ADFS
We can set the ProxyConfigurationStatus
to 1 in order to rebuid the trust.
The DWORD value 1 represents the “unconfigured” state at this time.